declared themselves independent, because the promise of equal rights for all Moslems was not kept under the reign of his successors. From Mary of Gelderland, the queen regent, she purchased the promise of help at the price of surrendering Berwick. of France in 1 574 the new king, Henry III., passed through Piedmont on his way from Poland; Emmanuel gave him a magnificent reception, and obtained from him a promise that Pinerolo and Savigliano should be evacuated, which was carried out at the end of the year. , If you promise to do the dishes before going to bed, you better make sure the chore is completed. Towards the end of the year 529 (October 1134) he was compelled to promise that f.e would confine himself to his palace and never again take the field.
Use "promise" in a sentence.
3. 2. Dean located Jonathan Winston and related what Fred had seen but it was clear the FBI officer doubted the identification and gave only a cursory nod and a promise to look into it.
The promise that Bavaria should be granted to Henry the Lion was not easily fulfilled, as Henry Jasomirgott refused to give up the duchy. The judges had been intimidated or corrupted, and the royal promise to protect the Establishment violated. 9 sentence examples: 1. Be slow to promise and quick to perform. You must promise to keep it a secret and to make Jonny keep it a secret.
The early death of this talented mathematician, of whom Legendre said "quelle tete celle du jeune Norvegien! i f.); (2) on each occasion he makes a formal demand; (3) on Pharaoh's refusal the plague is announced, and takes place at a fixed time without any human intervention; (4) when the plague is sent, Pharaoh sends for Moses and entreats his intercession, promising in most cases to accede in part to his request; when the plague is removed, however, the promise is left unfulfilled, the standing phrase being "and Pharaoh's heart was heavy (7f)," or "and Pharaoh made heavy (-r»n) his heart"; (5) the plagues do not affect the children of Israel in Goshen. The promise frequently made by Republican campaign leaders that Mr. Harding would surround himself with advisers of capacity and experience, seemed to be fulfilled by his choice of Cabinet members. By some of the students and tutors, by Liddell, Newton, Acland and others, he was regarded as a youth of rare promise, and he made some lifelong friendships with men of mark and of power. I promise not to plaster you with mud this time. The rest of Poland was incorporated as a separate kingdom in the Russian dominions with a promise of a constitution of its own. When John of Gaunt died in February 1399 Richard, contrary to his promise, confiscated the estates of Lancaster.
199+38 sentence examples: 1.
The booksellers, when they saw how far his performance had surpassed his promise, added only another hundred.
Sinai, and afterwards, not in the flesh, but in appearance (Solo r G) as Jesus Christ, and, finally, as the Holy Ghost, according to the promise of Christ.
He'd never again visit this room or see the mortal world.
After releasing himself by the promise of a large ransom and the conclusion of a peace, he turned his arms against the pretender Michael VII., but was compelledafter a defeat to resign the empire and retire to the island of Prote, where he soon died in great misery.
5. : Walpole attempted to buy off the prince with the promise of an increased allowance and offered to pay off his debts, but Frederick refused.
- During the years 1910-4, immediately preceding the World War, economic conditions in Austria showed no uniform tendency, for in many fields the signs pointed to a crisis, while in others developments seemed full of promise. In his anxiety he broke his promise, and Eurydice vanished again from his sight. You will see dawn, my queen, I promise you this. 2.
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